I recently switched my server to zfs on root (still haven’t decided if it was really worth it but that’s another post). I quickly found that the Docker zfs storage driver seems to suck a lot.
My key issue with the driver is that it seems to break very frequently (3-4 serious issues in the ~3 months I ran it), leaving orphaned datasets and refusing to restart containers when there’s cruft all over. The issues also don’t have a clear solution (at least to me) and I frequently end up wiping out the docker installation and restarting from scratch. Additionally it creates a whole mess of datasets, which combined with Ubuntu settings for automatic zfs snapshots leaves a lot of cruft.
Here’s where I should say - the storage driver is clearly marked as experimental and not for production - so these problems are totally reasonable. I knew this and chose to try it anyways.
I finally gave up and decided to move my Docker storage to a zvol, which is a zfs dataset that emulates a block device. This is actually the best of both worlds because you still have the ability to use zfs transparent compression, snapshots, copy on write, etc. but without dealing with the Docker zfs storage driver. Here’s the basic strokes of how I did it.
These don’t have to be true for you, but if they are not- don’t directly copy and paste these commands without updating them.
(or move them to a backup location).zfs create -V 30gb tank/docker
fdisk /dev/zd0
n enter enter enter w
.mkfs.ext4 /dev/zd0p1
zfs set compression=lzjb tank/docker
mkdir -p /var/lib/docker
printf "UUID=%s /var/lib/docker auto nodev,nofail 0 0" $(blkid | grep -oP "zd0p1: UUID=\K\"\S+\"") >> /etc/fstab
mount -a
. Delete the storage driver setting if you do.